Know What to Expect

Driving is not only an activity that gets you from point A to point B, but is enjoyable at the same time. But before you get out on the road, you will need a license to operate a motor vehicle. To help you along the way towards earning your driver’s license, CDL, or motorcycle license, we created a number of beginner driving tips. If you are preparing for the written exam, make sure to take our free practice tests as well!

Driver Safety

5 Pieces of Automobile Technology That Have Their Pros and Cons

Today’s drivers are used to a variety of technology in their vehicles. From radios to internal navigation systems, most new models have a variety of technological devices at work while they are in use. Every piece o ...
Driver Safety

Drivers Are Freaking Out About Police Stops: This Is How To Act When Pulled Over

Being pulled over by a police officer for the first time can be a very emotional experience. Drivers often feel confused, afraid, and even humiliated when they see flashing lights in their rearview mirror for the fi ...
Car Maintenance

This Is How You Install a License Plate in 6 Painless Steps

Installing a new license plate is a quick task that every driver needs to know how to do. With a one simple tool, you will be able to remove your vehicle’s old license plate and install a new one in only a few minut ...
Car Buying

5 Things Only Smart Drivers Do When Test Driving a Vehicle

Test driving vehicles is a fun way to drive a variety of potential cars. If you are thinking about buying your first car or a new car, you should test drive several vehicles before making a decision. Most car dealer ...
Car Buying

5 Things You Must Do to Reduce the Cost of Your First Car Insurance

If you have never purchased an automobile insurance policy, you will likely be surprised at the cost. Many people pay almost as much for their auto insurance as they do for their vehicles. While drivers must accept ...
Car Buying

How to Choose Auto Insurance Coverage: Essential Search Techniques for You to Know

Auto insurance options can be overwhelming. When you begin to shop for auto insurance for the first time, you will be bombarded by a multitude of insurance companies offering many different types of coverage. Before ...
Behind the Wheel

8 Most Common Mistakes You Make Behind the Wheel

Experienced and inexperienced drivers alike occasionally make mistakes while driving. Operating a vehicle is a complicated task that must not be underestimated. Between controlling your speed, navigating the roads, ...
Behind the Wheel

8 Crucial Steps to Avoid Common Errors When Changing Lanes

Errors made when changing lanes are some of the most common causes of automobile accidents. Whether you are driving on a busy metropolitan four lane road or on an interstate highway, you must use proper lane changin ...
Behind the Wheel

Everyday Maneuvers: How to Park a Car Between Two Other Vehicles

Compared to navigating a parallel parking space, parking your car between two other cars in a standard parking space is relatively simple. There are two types of standard parking spaces. You will likely encounter bo ...