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Free Delaware DMV Fines and Limits Permit Practice Test 2024 | DE

Based on 2024 DE driver's license manual Available in EN, ES, RU Instant feedback
10mistakes allowed
80%passing score

The Delaware Driver Manual provides essential information about how and why driving privileges might be lost in the state. The DE Fines and Regulations Test below will evaluate your knowledge of speed limits and breaking techniques, DUI regulation and traffic citation protocol before you head to the DMV! The Delaware Fines and Regulations Test consists of 50 questions and is formatted just like the state’s five other practice tests. If you make a mistake, you’ll be provided with an explanation of the correct answer. Opt to view each question’s hint to boost your chances of getting it right. The Delaware Fines and Regulations Test covers everything from age restrictions to the state’s points system- all the information you need to stay out of trouble and maintain a clean driving record. Good luck!

5 out of 5 • 8 votes.

Perfect for

  • Delaware Learner’s Permit
  • Delaware Driver’s License
  • DE Senior Citizens’ Refresher Test
  • DE Driver’s License Renewal.
DE DMV driver's license

What to expect on the actual DE DMV exam

How many questions30
How many correct answers to pass24
Passing score80%
Minimum age to apply for Level One Learner's Permit16

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DE DMV Driver's Handbook

View the most recent (2024) official DE DMV Driver's License Handbook.

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