Behind The Wheel

Driving a vehicle may seem scary at first, with the many maneuvers, signs, and hazards associated with it. To improve your confidence behind the wheel we have put together a number of driving tips. Read through our different tips and get out on the road to practice your skills!

6 Steps of a 3 Point Turn That Help You Breeze Through Your Driving Test

What is a Three-Point Turn (Also Known as a K-Turn)? The three-point turn, commonly referred to as a K-turn or Y-turn, is a technique used to turn a vehicle around in a small space by moving forward, then reversing, ...

This Is How to Reverse Park (Back Into A Parking Space) Like a Pro

ContentsLocate an empty spot Drive up to the spot Alert other drivers of your intentions Check for oncoming vehicles Shift your vehicle into reverse Continue moving backwards Straighten your steering wheel Shift ...

Uber Driver Requirements: 4 Things to Know to Become a Driver on the App

Uber is an increasingly popular ride referral service that enables smartphone users to request a ride from a fleet of dedicated drivers. With over 40 million active monthly riders, Uber has become a genuine alternative t ...

What to Do to When Your Car Is Hydroplaning: 9 Expert Tips

ContentsReduce your Speed Properly and Regularly Rotate and Balance your Tires Choose High Quality Tires that are Designed to Prevent Hydroplaning No Cruising in the Rain Avoid Puddles and Standing Water How To R ...

How to Use Cruise Control: 7 Specific Things You Need to Know Well

Cruise control is a feature that now comes standard on many models of cars. Many drivers prefer to drive a vehicle that has cruise control installed because of its convenience. If you are a commuter, cruise control ...

How To Drive a Stick Shift (Manual Car) in 9 Easy Steps

Follow These Steps to Drive a Stick Shift Some people call it learning how to drive stick or how to drive a manual. Whatever you call it, both are the same. Many drivers never learn how to drive a car with a manua ...

Smooching in Sedans: Exploring How Often Americans Hook Up In A Vehicle

It’s an enduring truth of teenage life in America: Teens eagerly await the day they can drive. Across the country, getting a driver’s license is heralded as a bona fide rite of passage. Legal access to a set of wheels ...

Stolen Cars By State

Popularly Stolen Targeting Modern Models Robbed Regions Changed or Shortchanged? Statewide Targets Stolen in the City Protecting Your VehicleCars are a way of life for most Americans. There are more than 111,400,000 ...

How to Parallel Park: 10 Ridiculously Easy Parallel Parking Steps

Parallel parking involves positioning a vehicle parallel to the road and between two parked cars, a task that often causes anxiety for many drivers. This skill requires practice to master, and expert advice and safety t ...