Driver Safety

Driving is an activity that requires full attention and responsibility. Other lives and your own rely on being a safe driver. Learn about distracted driving and defensive driving below, so you are aware of any situations that can put you in danger.

The Worst Drivers in America (& How You Can Stay Safe)

In 2017, more than 40,000 people died in the U.S. as a result of automotive accidents. In 2016, that figure was slightly higher, marking the deadliest year on American roadways since 2007. Falling asleep at the wheel, d ...

Unfiltered Confessions of an Uber Driver

Rate Your Rider Ride-Sharing Admissions Aux Cord Annoyance Compliments of the Driver Talk to the Hand, Not the Driver A Bad TripFor the longest time, taxis provided horror stories for their drivers drunken nights, ...

Bending the Driving Rules: A Look at What Influences Driving Infractions in America

We’ve all heard the warnings: Don’t speed. Don’t text while driving. Never – ever – drive drunk. But how often do Americans heed such warnings? Speeding may be rationalized by the 5-mph wiggle room myth. Texting may be e ...

The Worst Driving Cities (USA)

Driving safely not only depends on your own driving skills, but also the driving habits of everyone else on the road. Unfortunately, not all states are full of safe drivers. In effort to educate drivers on safety, A ...

Speeding Problems on America’s Roads

Speeding’s Role in Deadly Accidents Was Speeding a Factor? Age and Gender Gap Regional Mortality Rates Dangerous Roadways Safety FirstIn the time that it takes you to read this report from start to finish, at le ...

U.S. Rules of the Road

Whether visiting or moving to another country, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the traffic laws that surround you. No matter what your intentions are toward driving, learning the rules of the road will keep yo ...

Seatbelts 101: Seatbelt Safety and How They Save Lives

Your seatbelt is your best defense against being killed or injured in an automobile accident. Think a crash will never happen to you? Think again. The Center for Disease Control presents statistics about automobile ...

How to Prevent Auto Theft: 10 Proven Ways to Protect Your Ride Expertly

Imagine this. You get off of work. It’s raining. You run out into the parking lot with your keys in hand, ready to get into your car and head home after a long day. Holding your umbrella, you make it to your normal ...

After the Crash: How to Hire A Car Accident Attorney in 6 Expert Tips

An auto accident is a terrifying experience, even if it is only a minor fender-bender. The only thing on your mind is your safety, the safety of your passengers, and the condition of your vehicle. Unfortunately, in ...