Know What to Expect

Driving is not only an activity that gets you from point A to point B, but is enjoyable at the same time. But before you get out on the road, you will need a license to operate a motor vehicle. To help you along the way towards earning your driver’s license, CDL, or motorcycle license, we created a number of beginner driving tips. If you are preparing for the written exam, make sure to take our free practice tests as well!

Behind the Wheel

First Experience Behind the Wheel: 6 Vital Things to Remember When Driving for the First Time

The first time you take control of a vehicle can be an exciting as well as frightening experience. Although most people have already studied the rules of the road and proper driving techniques before they actually d ...
Behind the Wheel

Becoming a Changing Directions Guru: 6 Easy Steps to Make a Safe U Turn

Regulations about U turns vary depending on where you are driving. Before you attempt to make a U turn, make sure that you know the rules concerning this particular type of turn. For instance, some areas allow U tur ...
Behind the Wheel

This Is How to Reverse Park (Back Into A Parking Space) Like a Pro

ContentsLocate an empty parking spot Drive up to the parking spot Alert other drivers of your intentions Check for oncoming vehicles Shift your vehicle into reverse Continue moving backwards Straighten your steer ...
Driving Tests

Expiration Alert! How to Renew Your Driver’s License in 7 Simple Steps

In most states, driver’s licenses require renewal every four years. If you received your first driver’s license at the standard age of sixteen, this means that you will be required to renew your license at the age o ...
Driver Safety

7 Key Things You Should Do to Stay Safe During Long Drives

Whether you are stuck in traffic during your already lengthy commute or driving across the country for a family vacation, driving for long periods of time is accompanied by specific dangers. Drivers must take specia ...
Car Maintenance

How to Wax Your Car with Amazing Results: 7-Step Guide

ContentsPurchase a High Quality Automobile Wax Wash Your Car Read the Instructions on the Car Wax Package Apply Wax to the Pad Choose an Area of Your Vehicle to Begin Waxing Apply the Wax Using a Small, Circular ...
Behind the Wheel

Killer Curves: 7 Vital Tips to Stay Safe While Driving on Curvy Roads

Everyone has seen one of those car commercials that feature an exotic and powerful sports car whipping around a coastline of hairpin curves with ease. Unless you are a professionally trained stunt driver, the glamor ...
Driver Safety

5 Car Camping Tips That Will Help You Avoid A Disastrous Road Trip

Are you ready to take an awesome road trip now that you have obtained your license and your very own vehicle? If you’re low on cash or just ready to experience life on the road, consider car camping, the ultimate ad ...
Car Maintenance

This Is What You Do With A Cracked Windshield Before It Becomes A Major Problem

One day you notice a tiny speck on your windshield. A few weeks later it has grown to the size of a spider. After a hot day in the parking lot and taking a speed bump too quickly, the spider weaves a web of splinter ...