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Free Alabama DMV Motorcycle Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 AL motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

The roads of Alabama are yours to explore. Whether you prefer an iconic Harley Davidson or a nimble Kawasaki, it is crucial that you ride safely under the speed limit, follow traffic laws, and obey indications from road signs. To obtain a motorcycle permit in the Yellowhammer State, you must pass a 30-question written knowledge test and an on-cycle skills test. We’ll help you prepare for the official written knowledge exam by providing an intuitive study tool. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the content of the official DMV motorcycle operator manual (Alabama Motorcycle Manual).

Our Alabama DMV Motorcycle practice tests are based on this handbook. They come with several features designed to make studying an easier and more enjoyable experience for you. Each practice test has been updated for February 2025. To pass, you must score at least 80%, but it is perfectly normal to fail during your first few attempts. Do not let low scores discourage you. We understand that mistakes negatively affect motivation and performance, and that’s why we give you the opportunity to learn from them. After each question, immediate feedback is provided. This detailed explanation helps you understand why your choice was wrong. Unlike other practice tests that reveal your score at the end, we offer a progress overview located at the top-left side of the page. It displays in real time the number of mistakes, how many questions you got right, and how many more mistakes you can make before you fail.

Start today and train with our DMV Motorcycle practice tests on a daily basis. With repetition, you’ll memorize the correct answer to every question. During each training session, our helpful automated assistant can provide personalized answers to your individual questions. Additionally, you can request hints that will nudge you in the right direction without revealing the correct answer. Make sure you only proceed to the next question once you understand the detailed explanation provided. You have plenty of tools and features at your disposal, so you should use them to your advantage and boost your learning process.

4.42 out of 5 • 177 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions30
How many correct answers to pass24
Passing score80%
Minimum age to apply14
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. It is difficult for other drivers to see motorcycles. Which of the following can increase your visibility to others?
  2. While riding a motorcycle, you should position your feet
  3. Which of the following is NOT part of the upshifting process?
  4. You should downshift through the gears when you
  5. You are approaching a turn and need to shift gears. When should you shift gears?
  6. Which brakes should you use when you need to stop?
  7. To stop safely in a curve, what should you do?
  8. What are the four steps in making a proper turn?
  9. Maintaining or slightly increasing your speed in a turn
  10. The best lane position is
  11. The Alabama Motorcycle Manual recommends that you maintain a following distance of at least _________ behind the vehicle ahead.
  12. When you're preparing to pass the vehicle in front of you, you can increase your line of sight by riding in ________ portion of your lane.
  13. If you are being passed on the left by another vehicle, which lane position should you ride in?
  14. When can you safely share a lane with a car?
  15. The three steps of the SEE strategy are
  16. When you're passing parked cars, why should you ride in the left lane position?
  17. When parked in a parallel parking space, your motorcycle should be
  18. You can help other vehicle operators notice that you are slowing down by
  19. To increase your safety when riding at night, you should
  20. If your front wheel locks, you should
  21. When it starts to rain, which lane positions can be hazardous?
  22. When riding with a passenger, how should you adjust your control of your motorcycle?
  23. When carrying cargo in saddlebags, you should
  24. Is it safe to share a lane with another motorcycle?
  25. When riding in a group, motorcyclists should usually ride
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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AL Motorcycle Handbook

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