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Free Colorado DMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 CO motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
5mistakes allowed
84%passing score

The Colorado Rockies are like a playground for motorcycle enthusiasts. Riders have many roads to explore, including the Trail Ridge Road and the Million Dollar Highway. Although these famous routes offer amazing views of the surrounding mountains, they are also quite difficult for beginners to navigate. Riding at high altitudes can be tough. Here, the air is thinner, and your motorcycle might not run as well as expected. Becoming a safe and responsible driver in the Grand Canyon State is a long process that starts with the learning phase, where you’ll study the various aspects of riding theory. Before you can practice and gain experience on two wheels, you must pass the official motorcycle knowledge exam if you are under 18 or choose not to enroll in a Motorcycle Operator Safety Training (MOST) course. The knowledge test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions based on the official DMV motorcycle operator manual (Colorado Motorcycle Manual).

Get familiar with the content and format of the official knowledge exam with our DMV motorcycle permit practice tests. Use this intuitive tool to master the material through consistency and repetition. Start today and dedicate the following weeks to your studies. Each practice test has been updated for February 2025 and has 30 multiple-choice questions. Each question has multiple answer choices, but only one is correct. For your convenience, we have omitted a timer so you can practice at your own pace. Read every question carefully and avoid rushing. Mistakes are more common when you’re not paying attention to the questions. We recommend practicing with our motorcycle permit practice tests in a distraction-free environment where you won’t be disturbed.

Adjust the font size to your preference by using the slider on the left side of the page. Make the text bigger or smaller until it becomes easier to read. To avoid digital eye strain, don’t forget to take frequent breaks. Studying shouldn’t feel like a chore, especially when it’s about building the foundation for a lifelong skill. If your wireless mouse runs out of battery charge during a training session, you don’t have to lose your progress and restart the practice test. Instead, use the “Shift + ?” key combination to display a list of keyboard shortcuts to quickly progress through the rest of the test.

4.34 out of 5 • 62 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass21
Passing score84%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. When starting off on your motorcycle, you should start with your right wrist
  2. If you need to shift gears as you approach a turn,
  3. Motorcycles are harder to see. How can you increase your visibility?
  4. In which of these scenarios is it LEAST important to check your mirrors?
  5. In a single lane of traffic, how many lane positions are available to a motorcycle?
  6. When you are following a car, which lane position will make you most visible to the driver?
  7. A _____-second following distance gives you a minimum amount of space to stop or swerve if the driver ahead stops suddenly.
  8. You can maintain an adequate space cushion by
  9. When you are passing a line of parked cars, it is best to ride in _______ lane position.
  10. The best way to deal with tailgaters is to
  11. Which of the following surfaces can be dangerous for motorcycles to ride on?
  12. Slippery surfaces can be even more dangerous if you are
  13. When should you take your feet off the foot pegs and skim them on the surface of the road?
  14. You can increase your safety when riding at night by
  15. To stop as quickly as possible, you should
  16. When riding through a turn, your lane position should
  17. If your motorcycle starts to wobble, the best way to stop it is to
  18. If a dog starts to chase you, you should
  19. When carrying cargo, it is important to
  20. When riding in a group, who should set the pace?
  21. If your throttle sticks while you are riding, you should
  22. What techniques can be used to avoid an obstacle on the road?
  23. When you are riding at night, what is the best way to identify bumps in the road?
  24. The safest way to cross an obstacle is at a ___-degree angle.
  25. The edge of the road can be extremely dangerous because
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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