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Free Florida DMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 FL motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

Florida is a rider’s paradise, offering year-round sunny weather and endless opportunities to explore its scenic highways. To legally operate a motorcycle with an engine over 50cc in the Sunshine State, you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid class E operator’s license. A motorcycle “M” endorsement is added to your license after completing a Basic RiderCourse (BRC) program and paying the necessary fees. Those who do not possess a driver’s license can obtain a motorcycle-only license after passing the same knowledge test required for a regular class E driver’s license and completing a 15-hour BRC.
Our Florida DMV motorcycle permit practice tests can make the difference between failure and success in your learning phase. Each practice test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions based on the official FL DMV motorcycle handbook (Florida Motorcycle Manual). Replace anxiety with confidence through consistent practice. This intuitive tool is available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. All you need is a device that supports a browser and has an active internet connection.
We understand you’re eager to take your motorcycle out for a spin. Your first ride will be special, but it should also be safe. Avoid rushing through your learning phase, and make sure you understand every aspect of riding theory. Our practice tests make you a safe and responsible rider and prepare you for the challenges on Florida’s roads. During each training session, you have the freedom to customize your experience with this tool. Activate the voice-over function from the left side of the page to enable narration. An artificial voice will read the questions and answer choices aloud, making studying easier for those with auditory memory.
With unlimited attempts and no countdown to pressure you, there’s no limit to how often you can study with this tool. To maximize your chances of passing the written knowledge test on your first attempt, we recommend starting today and regularly training with our practice tests for the next few weeks.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass20
Passing score80%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Before each ride, you should adjust
  2. While riding a motorcycle, you should position your feet
  3. While you are stopped at a stop sign, your motorcycle should
  4. When should you use both the front and rear brakes to stop?
  5. To help keep the motorcycle steady through a turn, you should
  6. In slow turns, how can you help balance your motorcycle?
  7. How many lane positions are available to you in a single lane of traffic?
  8. To avoid a collision with a hazard in the center of your lane, which lane position should you ride in?
  9. Motorcycles typically need
  10. The Florida Motorcycle Handbook recommends that you leave a following distance of at least _________ behind the vehicle ahead of you.
  11. When passing another vehicle, you should start your pass from ________ part of your lane.
  12. In which of these situations is a driver most likely to try to share your lane?
  13. How can you reduce your reaction time?
  14. The best way to increase your visibility at an intersection is to
  15. When approaching a blind intersection, you should
  16. It is dangerous to ride beside a line of parked cars because
  17. When parking at the roadside, you should park
  18. Use your turn signals
  19. Because a motorcycle's brake light is not as visible as the brake lights on a car, you should
  20. When riding at night, you can increase your safety by
  21. The safest way to cross an unavoidable obstacle is at a _________ angle.
  22. Which of the following surfaces is the most hazardous for a motorcycle to ride on?
  23. If your throttle is sticking, what should you do first?
  24. Your passenger should
  25. When loading saddlebags, you should
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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FL Motorcycle Handbook

View the most recent (2025) official FL DMV Motorcycle Handbook.

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