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Free Idaho DMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 ID motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

Riding a motorcycle in Idaho is the best way to connect with the state’s natural beauty. Whether cruising through valleys or navigating winding mountain roads, you’ll make lots of memories exploring the Gem State on two wheels. While you should enjoy the sense of freedom given by the open roads, it is crucial to ride responsibly and adhere to local regulations. Helmets are required for all riders under 18 years of age, though they’re recommended for everyone.
The official Idaho DMV motorcycle operator manual (Idaho Motorcycle Manual) is a valuable resource for aspiring riders who want to obtain a motorcycle endorsement (M) on their driver’s license or a motorcycle-only license. All 25 questions on the official motorcycle knowledge test are based on this manual, which you should read at least once.
To make studying easier for you, we offer a series of Idaho motorcycle permit practice tests. This intuitive tool can help you become a safe and responsible rider. Each practice test has been designed to prepare you for the official motorcycle knowledge test. For your convenience, we have omitted a timer. Since you won’t be under the pressure of a countdown, we recommend adopting a systematic approach to each question. Our helpful automated assistant can help you figure out the correct answer by providing hints and real-life examples. Additionally, it can also provide personalized answers to your individual questions.
We understand how a low score can bring you down. Students who are unfamiliar with the various aspects of riding theory are more likely to make mistakes. When you select an incorrect answer, immediate feedback is provided to help you understand why your choice was wrong. Pay attention to the detailed explanation and note it in a notebook or notebook app. Learn from your mistakes and ignore your score during the first few attempts. Start today and train with our Idaho motorcycle permit practice tests. As time passes, your score will naturally increase through repetition and consistent practice.

4.3 out of 5 • 76 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass20
Passing score80%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. While riding a motorcycle in Idaho, you must wear a helmet
  2. Your motorcycle's mirrors
  3. You should start the motorcycle with
  4. The gearshift lever is located
  5. In addition to downshifting when you slow or stop, you should also downshift
  6. How can you achieve maximum stopping power?
  7. To stop safely on a curve, you should
  8. What are the four steps for best control in a turn?
  9. How many lane positions are available to a motorcycle in a single lane?
  10. If there are hazards on your left, what lane positions should you ride in?
  11. An adequate space cushion between you and the vehicle ahead of you is at least ____ seconds.
  12. The center lane position is best for
  13. In which of the following situations should you NOT increase your following distance?
  14. When you are being passed by another vehicle, watch out for
  15. It can be dangerous to ride alongside cars because
  16. How can you reduce your reaction time?
  17. If you believe that your motorcycle has not triggered a light sensor while stopped at a traffic light, when can you proceed?
  18. Riding beside a row of parked cars can be dangerous because
  19. When parking along the roadside, you should park
  20. The best clothing for making yourself visible is
  21. You should flash your brake light when you are about to stop and you are
  22. Ride more safely at night by
  23. You are more likely to fall when riding on which of the following surfaces?
  24. How can you ride safely on slippery surfaces?
  25. If your front tire goes flat while riding, to slow down, you should
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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