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Free Louisiana OMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 LA motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

Unlike other states, Louisiana does not offer a separate motorcycle license. All applicants must have a valid full driver’s license (not an intermediate license) with a motorcycle endorsement to legally operate a motorcycle in the Pelican State. The minimum age to obtain this endorsement is 16. Applicants must complete a OMV-approved Basic Rider Course (BRC). A motorcycle knowledge test and an on-cycle skills test are required to obtain a motorcycle endorsement, but completion of the BRC may exempt you from the skills test. If you’re under 18, your parent or guardian must come with you to give their consent to your motorcycle endorsement.

We’ll help you pass the official motorcycle knowledge exam on your first attempt. Our Louisiana OMV motorcycle permit practice tests are designed to familiarize you with the various aspects of riding theory described in the official OMV motorcycle operator manual (Louisiana Motorcycle Manual). This manual explains safe riding techniques, crash avoidance, group riding, and wearing the right gear. It is also important to know that riding between lanes of traffic (often called lane splitting) is illegal in Louisiana.

Each of our practice tests has been updated for February 2025. You’ll need to answer 30 multiple-choice questions and score at least 80% to pass. For your convenience, we have omitted any timer from this educational tool, allowing you to take as much time as you need to progress through each practice test. Read every question twice and only select an answer when confident in your choice. Nobody was born an expert on any subject, and riding is a lifelong skill that can only be improved with practice. Patience and consistency are essential for building the foundation for this skill and becoming a safe and responsible rider on Louisiana’s roads.

Our practice tests feature a simple and straightforward interface. They can be accessed even by those who are not skilled with computers. After each session, you can immediately start another one, as there are unlimited attempts for all students. We recommend ignoring your score during your first few attempts when you’re more likely to fail. Instead, learn from your mistakes through our immediate feedback feature, which provides a detailed explanation of the correct answer for each question.

4.29 out of 5 • 133 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass20
Passing score80%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Car drivers are most likely to try to share your lane when
  2. In Louisiana, you must wear a helmet
  3. The best way to swerve is to
  4. To avoid lurching while downshifting, what should you do?
  5. When you are being passed by another vehicle, watch out for
  6. If you are being tailgated, what should you do?
  7. You should increase your following distance
  8. When riding behind other vehicles, leave a space cushion of at least _____ seconds.
  9. How can you protect yourself from injury in a collision?
  10. The lane positions within each lane that are available to a motorcycle are
  11. The front brake
  12. What may happen if you ride through a turn too fast?
  13. _________ is prohibited when riding downhill.
  14. To carry a passenger safely on your motorcycle, what are you required to have by law?
  15. At night, you should NOT
  16. Riding alongside a line of parked cars can be dangerous because
  17. If you must coast over a slippery surface, you should also
  18. To warn drivers that you are slowing down in an unusual place, you should
  19. How can you stabilize your motorcycle in slow, tight turns?
  20. Accelerating in a curve
  21. After consuming alcohol, you can ensure you will not be riding under the influence if you
  22. When should you only use the front brake?
  23. Why are gravel roads potentially dangerous to motorcyclists?
  24. When riding in a group, you should NEVER
  25. When should the right lane position be avoided?
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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