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Free Maryland MVA Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 MD motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
4mistakes allowed
84%passing score

Welcome to our free Maryland Motorcycle Permit Practice Test. The questions on this practice test will assess your knowledge of the information in the Maryland MVA Motorcycle Operator Manual. (For best results, make sure you have studied the manual thoroughly before taking either this practice test or the state knowledge test.) All 25 questions on this practice test are multiple choice with four possible answers for each question. To pass this exam, you must answer at least 21 questions correctly. Read each question and the possible answers carefully before you choose the answer that you believe is best. If you are not sure of the correct answer to a question, you can read the hint for that question. (There will be no hints on the actual state knowledge test, of course.) If the answer you selected is correct, you will move on to the next question. If the answer is wrong, you will be shown the correct answer along with a short explanation. Bear in mind that your score on the state exam may not match your score on this practice exam. Good luck!

4.25 out of 5 • 103 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass21
Passing score84%
Minimum age to apply15 ¾
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. In Maryland, you are required to wear a helmet if you are
  2. The best face protection is
  3. What should you do if you are being chased by a dog while you are riding?
  4. Before you mount your motorcycle for a trip, you should check
  5. Which of the following does NOT lessen your chances of being involved in a collision?
  6. Keeping your knees against the gas tank
  7. What can cause your motorcycle to lurch?
  8. In any collision, you have a far better chance of avoiding serious injury when you wear
  9. What are the four steps in making a controlled turn?
  10. A safe following distance is at least _____ seconds behind the vehicle ahead of you.
  11. What are two ways to avoid obstacles in your path?
  12. To detect bumps on the road at night, you should
  13. If there is a hazard on the left side of the road, which lane position should you ride in?
  14. Which of the following can affect your ability to ride a motorcycle?
  15. Experienced riders try not to ride more than ______ hours per day.
  16. The best way to prevent fatigue while riding is to
  17. When riding in a group, which member sets the pace?
  18. Which of the following is the best way to secure cargo?
  19. Your passenger should
  20. If the throttle is stuck and twisting it back and forth does not free it, what should you do?
  21. If you experience a weaving feeling while riding over a metal grating, what should you do?
  22. The side of the road can be dangerous to motorcycles because
  23. Rising off the seat slightly
  24. If you are about to pass a parked car whose driver is inside, you should
  25. To park against a curb, you should park at a _________ angle.
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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