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Free Massachusetts RMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 MA motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
8mistakes allowed
72%passing score

Did you know that in Massachusetts, eye protection is mandatory for all riders unless the motorcycle is equipped with a windshield? The strong wind can cause your eyes to water or dry out, leading to blurred vision. Rain, snow, or even bright sunlight can interfere with your ability to see clearly. A face shield offers the best protection for your eyes from dust, dirt, insects, and the wind. Goggles are less effective. Most eyeglasses and sunglasses will not protect your eyes adequately.

Becoming a safe and responsible rider in Massachusetts starts with studying the official RMV motorcycle operator manual (Massachusetts Motorcycle Manual). This valuable resource explains the various aspects of riding theory in detail, including licensing requirements, avoiding collisions, and keeping a safe distance from other vehicles.

The official motorcycle knowledge exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions based on this manual. We’ll help you obtain a score of at least 72% on your first attempt, but you must be consistent in your study. Our Massachusetts RMV motorcycle permit practice tests are designed with efficiency in mind. Featuring a simple and straightforward interface, each practice test is available 24/7. You get unlimited attempts to train as often as you want. We have omitted any timer from this tool to let you learn at your own pace. Focus on mastering the material and use the available features to personalize your experience. The voice-over function can be found in the “Test settings” menu on the left side of the page. Once you activate it, an artificial voice will read the questions and answer choices aloud. You can also change the font size by using the slider from this menu. Make the text bigger or smaller until it becomes easier to read from an arm’s length distance from the screen.

We understand you’re eager to ride your favorite motorcycle on Massachusetts’s roads. The Bay State has a lot to offer riders, regardless of their experience or preferences. However, safety is a priority for every road user, and all riders must take extra care to protect themselves on the road.

4.32 out of 5 • 418 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass18
Passing score72%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Riding between lanes of traffic is
  2. In Massachusetts, a helmet is required to be worn
  3. You cannot ride a motorcycle on a highway
  4. When riding long distances, how often should you stop and stretch?
  5. After as few as ____ alcoholic drink(s), your ability to ride can be affected.
  6. When riding through an intersection, you must be especially aware of
  7. When you are seated properly on your motorcycle, your arms should be
  8. When turning your motorcycle, what should you avoid?
  9. Which of the following is true about starting your motorcycle on an upgrade?
  10. Riding __________ decreases your chances of being seen.
  11. While riding in the city, you should be looking ahead _________ for hazards.
  12. Most motorcycles use convex mirrors. How are these different from regular mirrors?
  13. When traveling in heavy congested traffic, what is an adequate space cushion between you and the vehicle ahead?
  14. If you are being followed by a tailgater and he or she is unable to pass you, you should
  15. When being passed by another vehicle, you should ride in the _______ lane position.
  16. Which of the following is the most likely place for a collision?
  17. In which lane position should you ride to discourage other vehicles from trying to share your lane?
  18. When riding across a small, slippery surface, you should
  19. The front brake is controlled by
  20. When should a passenger mount the motorcycle?
  21. When riding at night, you should
  22. While riding your motorcycle, you approach a crosswalk that a pedestrian has just entered. What should you do?
  23. When riding in a group, motorcyclists should ride
  24. If your front tire fails while you are riding, you should
  25. Before pulling off the road, it is important to check
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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MA Motorcycle Handbook

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