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Free North Carolina DMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 NC motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
7mistakes allowed
78%passing score

North Carolina is a motorcyclist’s paradise, offering breathtaking scenery and memorable rides. The Blue Ridge Parkway winds through the heart of the state. Its challenging curves will test your skills, requiring beginners to ride with caution. The Tail of the Dragon is a rite of passage for riders in the Tar Heel State, which is known for its strong motorcycle culture. Whether you prefer a classic Harley-Davidson or are more interested in Japanese sports bikes, you must get licensed before you can legally operate a motorcycle.
As you begin your learning phase, you should read the official DMV motorcyclists’ handbook (North Carolina Motorcycle Manual) at least once. The official motorcycle knowledge exam consists of 37 multiple-choice questions based on this manual. To pass, you must score at least 78%. At the DMV office, there’s no room for mistakes. Succeed on your first attempt by preparing in advance with the help of our North Carolina DMV motorcycle permit practice tests. They are designed to help you learn from your mistakes, build confidence, and strengthen your understanding of riding theory.
Each practice test has been updated for February 2025 to reflect the latest changes brought by DMV rules or state law. You must answer 30 questions and score at least 80% to pass. Each question has multiple answer choices, but only one is correct. Did you know that we process information both visually and acoustically? Our voice-over feature adds an auditory element to your studies and enhances the learning process. Once activated from the “Test settings” menu, an artificial voice will read the questions and their answer choices aloud. This function can help students who are easily distracted or find themselves in a busy environment.
Pay attention to the detailed explanation provided with each question. Note it down in a notebook or a notebook app for future reference. This feedback can help struggling students learn from their mistakes as soon as they occur. You don’t have to wait until the end of the practice test to know what went wrong. Start today and train with this intuitive tool for several weeks or until you consistently get passing scores.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions37
How many correct answers to pass29
Passing score78%
Minimum age to apply15
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Grabbing the front brake can result in
  2. The road ahead looks slippery. What should you do?
  3. If your front tire fails while you're riding, you should ease off the throttle,
  4. What is the best way to stop quickly?
  5. Under North Carolina law, who must wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle?
  6. Why is it important to cross railroad tracks at an angle of at least 45 degrees?
  7. If you suspect that the driver of the vehicle ahead of you doesn't know you're there, what should you do?
  8. How can you increase your safety while riding at night?
  9. When making a normal turn, should the motorcycle rider lean?
  10. Blind intersections can be dangerous because
  11. Studies have shown that most crashes involved riders who
  12. If your motorcycle starts to wobble, what should you do?
  13. When parking against a curb, you should park at a ________ angle.
  14. The best protection against flying objects while you're riding is
  15. Keeping your knees against the gas tank
  16. If you need to shift gears as you approach a turn, when should you do so?
  17. Maintaining or slightly increasing your speed in a turn
  18. You can help other vehicle operators notice that you are slowing down by
  19. Is it safe to share a lane with another motorcycle?
  20. Head checks while riding
  21. On the highway, if you see a car on an entrance ramp that is about to merge into your lane, you should
  22. In a single lane of traffic, there are _______ lane positions for a motorcycle.
  23. Changing your lane position can
  24. Before changing lanes on a multilane road, you should check
  25. Which of the following surfaces provide the least traction?
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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NC Motorcycle Handbook

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