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Free South Dakota DMV Motorcycle Permit Practice Test 2025

Based on 2025 SD motorcycle operator manualAvailable in EN, ES Instant feedback
7mistakes allowed
76%passing score

South Dakota has a strong motorcycle culture, with the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally being a major event held every August. It attracts riders from around the world and unites them in a place where they can share stories and memories created on two wheels. Becoming a licensed rider in South Dakota is a long but rewarding process, and it all starts with the learning phase.
The official DMV motorcycle operator manual (South Dakota Motorcycle Manual) contains important information on riding theory. You’ll learn basic vehicle control, handling mechanical problems, avoiding crashes, and carrying passengers and cargo. While every aspiring rider should read this manual at least once, we provide an efficient way to evaluate your knowledge before the exam day comes.
Our South Dakota DMV motorcycle permit practice tests are designed to closely reflect the content and format of the official motorcycle knowledge exam. Each practice test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. To pass, you must score at least 80%, but there’s no rush since you won’t be under the pressure of a countdown. For your convenience, we have omitted any timer from this tool. Take as long as you need for every practice session, and only select an answer when you’re confident in your choice.
An automated assistant will be present during your training sessions, ready to provide personalized answers to your individual questions. Request hints that nudge you in the right direction whenever you get stuck on a difficult question. Our AI coach can help you learn from mistakes and discuss the question at hand in more detail. Since the purpose of these practice tests is to make you a better rider, you can also request real-life examples to understand how South Dakota’s rules and regulations apply to actual riding scenarios.
On the left side of the page, the “Test settings” menu gives you access to several features. Enable the answer popularity function to get an insight into the choices of other students. This feature will allow you to identify difficult questions where misunderstandings are more common. Master these questions by memorizing their correct answers and paying attention to the detailed explanations.

4.26 out of 5 • 34 votes.

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions25
How many correct answers to pass19
Passing score76%
Minimum age to apply16
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List of questions (classic view)

  1. The safest formation when you're riding in a group is
  2. The pavement is most likely to be slippery
  3. If your motorcycle starts to wobble, you should
  4. If the rear wheel locks on a straightaway, you should
  5. If your throttle sticks while you are riding, you should first
  6. You are approaching a blind intersection with a stop line. You should stop
  7. Your passenger should
  8. You should flash your brake light when
  9. How can you shorten your reaction time?
  10. At an intersection, you can increase your visibility to others by
  11. At an intersection, you must be especially alert for
  12. For the most stable riding, your knees and feet should be positioned
  13. When it starts to rain, the safest place to ride is
  14. Motorcycles can slip on grease that cars have deposited on the road. Where are such deposits most likely to be found?
  15. The _______ brake is more important because it __________.
  16. After just ____ alcoholic drink(s), your ability to ride a motorcycle can be affected.
  17. What can cause a motorcycle engine to lug?
  18. Which of the following is true about braking?
  19. When packing your motorcycle, you should pack heavier items
  20. Tinted eye protection
  21. The best protection from other vehicles is
  22. When riding on a uneven surface, you can absorb shock by
  23. Help stabilize your motorcycle in a turn by
  24. Grabbing the front brake can result in
  25. On the highway, if you see a car on an entrance ramp that is about to merge into your lane, you should
  26. What should you do on Step 3 of passing?
  27. When you are being passed from behind,
  28. Which portion of the lane should you be in before starting to pass?
  29. What should you do to avoid colliding with a vehicle cutting in?
  30. As you are riding, an object appears suddenly in your path. What should you do?

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