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IA CDL Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Practice Test 2025

6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

Transporting products that can pose a risk to health, safety, property or the environment is a task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Professional drivers must be trained for this kind of job, which they can perform only after obtaining a Hazardous Materials (H) endorsement on their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). Some common types of hazardous materials (HazMat) are explosives, flammable gases, flammable liquids and toxic substances.

You wouldn’t want an unqualified driver to be responsible for such a dangerous task. That’s why in Iowa, all drivers must pass a written knowledge test before they can transport such high-risk cargo. The test covers various topics related to transporting hazardous materials, such as safe loading and unloading procedures, emergency protocols and hazard classification.

While this is a complex subject, adequate preparation will increase your chances of passing the written exam. Our CDL hazardous materials practice tests closely reflect the official exam, which is based on the official 2025 CDL manual ( You get unlimited attempts and there is no time limit.

Our practice tests are designed to help you learn and better understand the subject at hand. Just like the official CDL HazMat exam, each practice test has 30 questions on hazardous materials. To pass, you’ll need to provide a correct answer to 80% of the questions. Our smart system provides a detailed explanation after every question, allowing students to identify their mistakes and better understand the subject at hand. With immediate feedback, you won’t have to wait until the end of the test to know which questions you got wrong.

Pro tip: Open our complete HazMat guide in another tab while you practice on our practice tests. Students show higher success at remembering essential information when they associate it with the question at hand. This way, you’ll also understand how the various principles of HazMat work since you’re not just looking for the correct answer.

HazMat drivers can secure a stable and profitable career, but employers pay differently across the country. If you decide to move to another state, your CDL and its endorsements are not transferable. In this case, you can use our HazMat practice test collection, which features similar tests for all 50 US states, including Washington, DC.

Perfect for

  • First-time IA CDL and CLP applicants
  • CDL holders adding endorsements
  • IA CDL renewal applicants
IA commercial driver's license

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions30
How many correct answers to pass24
Passing score80%
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