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Part of mandatory Entry-Level Driver Training CourseBased on 2025 KS commercial driver's license manualAvailable in EN, ES
4mistakes allowed
80%passing score
When it comes to knowledge, there is no limit to how much you can learn. Learning is a never-ending journey, and in some cases, it becomes more demanding after graduating from the educational system. Some people say driving is a skill that can only be mastered through practice. While this statement is true, you cannot perform something you haven’t yet learned. As an aspiring commercial driver, you must pass a series of exams before you get a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and any required endorsements. In Kansas, the official CDL School Bus knowledge test is the first challenge for those who want to drive a yellow school bus (which seats 16 or more occupants, including the driver). (Kansas does not require you to obtain a CDL to drive a school bus that seats fewer occupants and has a gross vehicle weight rating of under 26,000 pounds. An ordinary car driver’s license is deemed good enough to operate such vehicles.) The knowledge test consists of 20 questions based on the official 2025 Kansas Commercial Driver License Manual, which contains essential information on this subject. Becoming a school bus driver involves more than just operating such vehicles. The safety of your young passengers will be in your hands, and you must be prepared to handle various situations. In case of an emergency, a school bus driver should be fit enough to conduct a quick evacuation of the vehicle. As a result, the Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all aspiring school bus drivers to pass a medical examination before pursuing this endorsement. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the paperwork and preparation you have to manage during this process. Kansas requires new drivers to complete an EntryLevel Driver Training (ELDT) program, which includes classroom lessons and at least 12 hours of behind-the-wheel training. On top of that, you will need a Passenger Vehicles (P) endorsement for larger buses carrying more than 16 occupants, including yourself. To make things easier for you, we offer an educational tool that can significantly increase your chances of passing the official written exam. Since only practice makes perfect, our CDL School Bus practice tests allow you to simulate taking the official knowledge exam as many times as you want. Updated for February, 2025, these free Kansas CDL school bus practice tests give you a preview of what the official exam looks like. The only difference is that we’ve removed the timer, giving you more time to think before making a choice.
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Become a member to unlock our extensive library of 1,500+ exam-like questions and get your Kansas ELDT certification online. Official FMCSA-approved national Entry-Level Driver Training provider.
Which of the following statements about the special dangers of loading and unloading is true?
After you decide on the best type of evacuation, what must you do next?
While you're loading students, if you cannot account for a student, what should you do?
A passive railroad crossing
During your pre-trip vehicle inspection test, make sure that
What color are all school buses painted?
Which of the following statements is true about students who must cross in front of the bus after exiting it?
You should adjust the outside left and right side flat mirrors so you can see
Which of the following statements about evacuation procedures is true?
When unloading students at a school, you should
Immediately after stopping, you should first
In addition to spare electrical fuses (if equipped), three reflective triangles, and a working fire extinguisher, emergency equipment for a school bus also includes
For up to ______ of parents, the school bus driver is the only school official they ever meet.
Before you proceed through a railroad crossing, make sure that your bus will have enough containment (the space on the opposite side of the crossing) to completely clear the railroad tracks. As a general rule, adequate containment is
Which of the following will confirm that your bus is equipped with an antilock braking system (ABS)?
Antilock brakes
You should adjust the left and right side crossover mirrors so you can see
The overhead inside rear-view mirror is used to
You MUST evacuate everyone from your school bus if
The blind spot behind the school bus may extend up to ________, depending on the length and width of the bus.
When it comes to knowledge, there is no limit to how much you can learn. Learning is a never-ending journey, and in some cases, it becomes more demanding after graduating from the educational system. Some people say driving is a skill that can only be mastered through practice. While this statement is true, you cannot perform something you haven’t yet learned. As an aspiring commercial driver, you must pass a series of exams before you get a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and any required endorsements. In Kansas, the official CDL School Bus knowledge test is the first challenge for those who want to drive a yellow school bus (which seats 16 or more occupants, including the driver). (Kansas does not require you to obtain a CDL to drive a school bus that seats fewer occupants and has a gross vehicle weight rating of under 26,000 pounds. An ordinary car driver’s license is deemed good enough to operate such vehicles.) The knowledge test consists of 20 questions based on the official 2025 Kansas Commercial Driver License Manual, which contains essential information on this subject. Becoming a school bus driver involves more than just operating such vehicles. The safety of your young passengers will be in your hands, and you must be prepared to handle various situations. In case of an emergency, a school bus driver should be fit enough to conduct a quick evacuation of the vehicle. As a result, the Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all aspiring school bus drivers to pass a medical examination before pursuing this endorsement. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the paperwork and preparation you have to manage during this process. Kansas requires new drivers to complete an EntryLevel Driver Training (ELDT) program, which includes classroom lessons and at least 12 hours of behind-the-wheel training. On top of that, you will need a Passenger Vehicles (P) endorsement for larger buses carrying more than 16 occupants, including yourself. To make things easier for you, we offer an educational tool that can significantly increase your chances of passing the official written exam. Since only practice makes perfect, our CDL School Bus practice tests allow you to simulate taking the official knowledge exam as many times as you want. Updated for February, 2025, these free Kansas CDL school bus practice tests give you a preview of what the official exam looks like. The only difference is that we’ve removed the timer, giving you more time to think before making a choice.
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