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Part of mandatory Entry-Level Driver Training CourseBased on 2025 NV commercial driver's license manualAvailable in EN, ES
4mistakes allowed
80%passing score
Nevada residents looking for better employment opportunities should pursue a career in commercial driving. Because the Silver State lacks major rail networks, waterways, and seaports, 92% of all freight is moved by trucks. Here, the economy is heavily reliant on tourism and mining, creating a high demand for fuel distribution to remote locations. Although the vast Mojave Desert does not offer spectacular landscapes, truck drivers often appreciate the sense of freedom provided by the wide and unobstructed highways.
Since you’re in the market for a Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement, you probably know you need to pass the 20-question Tank Vehicles knowledge exam. To pass, you’ll need to score at least 80%, leaving little room for error. To help you become a successful tanker driver, we offer a series of Nevada CDL Tanker Vehicles endorsement practice tests. Specific to the state of Nevada, each practice test has 20 questions based on the official 2025 CDL manual (Nevada CDL Handbook 2025).
Now you can simulate the official Tank Vehicles knowledge exam without worrying about failing. Students who are just getting started with commercial driving often use these practice tests as an educational tool, which provides helpful insight once you select an answer. The immediate feedback feature gives you a detailed explanation of the correct answer, so you won’t have to wait until the end of the practice test to identify your mistakes.
Some people tend to panic during timed tests. A ticking clock could cause someone to rush and pick the wrong answers. These mistakes are caused by stress and anxiety, which can hinder the performance of even the most prepared students. For your convenience, we have omitted any timer from our practice tests. If you experience such negative emotions, we recommend you train as often as possible in our safe test environment. With time, you’ll become more comfortable with this experience. As you familiarize yourself with the content and format of this test, you’ll also naturally gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to safely operate tankers in Nevada.
Unlock all 1,500+ exam-like questions for Nevada. Pass Guarantee
Become a member to unlock our extensive library of 1,500+ exam-like questions and get your Nevada ELDT certification online. Official FMCSA-approved national Entry-Level Driver Training provider.
Nevada residents looking for better employment opportunities should pursue a career in commercial driving. Because the Silver State lacks major rail networks, waterways, and seaports, 92% of all freight is moved by trucks. Here, the economy is heavily reliant on tourism and mining, creating a high demand for fuel distribution to remote locations. Although the vast Mojave Desert does not offer spectacular landscapes, truck drivers often appreciate the sense of freedom provided by the wide and unobstructed highways.
Since you’re in the market for a Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement, you probably know you need to pass the 20-question Tank Vehicles knowledge exam. To pass, you’ll need to score at least 80%, leaving little room for error. To help you become a successful tanker driver, we offer a series of Nevada CDL Tanker Vehicles endorsement practice tests. Specific to the state of Nevada, each practice test has 20 questions based on the official 2025 CDL manual (Nevada CDL Handbook 2025).
Now you can simulate the official Tank Vehicles knowledge exam without worrying about failing. Students who are just getting started with commercial driving often use these practice tests as an educational tool, which provides helpful insight once you select an answer. The immediate feedback feature gives you a detailed explanation of the correct answer, so you won’t have to wait until the end of the practice test to identify your mistakes.
Some people tend to panic during timed tests. A ticking clock could cause someone to rush and pick the wrong answers. These mistakes are caused by stress and anxiety, which can hinder the performance of even the most prepared students. For your convenience, we have omitted any timer from our practice tests. If you experience such negative emotions, we recommend you train as often as possible in our safe test environment. With time, you’ll become more comfortable with this experience. As you familiarize yourself with the content and format of this test, you’ll also naturally gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to safely operate tankers in Nevada.
Well done on completing the free test! Ready to take the next step?
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The only 3-in-1 CDL program officially licensed by the FMCSA. Unlock your ELDT certificate, over 1,500 exam-like questions, and a Theory Exam Pass Guarantee. Prepare to pass with our insider CDL Cheat Sheets — study smart, not hard.