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Just send us an email with your full name (must match the name and email address used for your purchase at Tests.ca) within 30 days from the purchase of your Premium membership.
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Part of mandatory Entry-Level Driver Training CourseBased on 2025 VT commercial driver's license manualAvailable in EN, ES
4mistakes allowed
80%passing score
To obtain a Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement in Vermont, aspiring commercial drivers with a valid Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) or a Class A or Class B Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) must pass a 20-questions written exam. This exam covers important aspects of tanker trucks, including loading and unloading procedures, safe driving techniques, the pre-trip inspection and handling emergency situations. We’ll help you pass the Tank Vehicles knowledge test in Vermont by offering the following intuitive tool.
Our CDL Tanker Vehicles Endorsement practice tests for the state of Vermont can significantly boost your learning journey. Each practice test consists of 20 questions based on the official 2025 CDL manual (Vermont CDL Handbook 2025), which we recommend reading at least once. This valuable resource provides useful information for beginners who are just getting started with commercial driving.
We have designed our practice tests to closely resemble the test environment at the DMV location. One notable difference is the lack of a timer, which we have omitted for your convenience. You get unlimited attempts to retake these practice tests regardless of how often you fail. Most tests silently log your progress in the background, only revealing the results at the end. Sometimes it can take up to 40 minutes to complete one session, especially if you carefully analyze each question. Unless you’ve got a sharp photographic memory, you might have a hard time identifying mistakes and figuring out the areas where you need to improve.
To help with this problem, we offer immediate feedback shortly after you select an answer. This feedback contains a detailed explanation of the correct answer, allowing you to develop a better understanding of the question at hand before proceeding to the next one. We recommend recording this feedback in a separate notebook or notes app, which can become a valuable resource in the hands of a determined student.
While you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, you can always wipe your current progress and start a session all over again by using the restart button. When you do so, be advised that the order of the questions will be randomized.
Unlock all 1,500+ exam-like questions for Vermont. Pass Guarantee
Become a member to unlock our extensive library of 1,500+ exam-like questions and get your Vermont ELDT certification online. Official FMCSA-approved national Entry-Level Driver Training provider.
To obtain a Tank Vehicles (N) endorsement in Vermont, aspiring commercial drivers with a valid Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) or a Class A or Class B Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) must pass a 20-questions written exam. This exam covers important aspects of tanker trucks, including loading and unloading procedures, safe driving techniques, the pre-trip inspection and handling emergency situations. We’ll help you pass the Tank Vehicles knowledge test in Vermont by offering the following intuitive tool.
Our CDL Tanker Vehicles Endorsement practice tests for the state of Vermont can significantly boost your learning journey. Each practice test consists of 20 questions based on the official 2025 CDL manual (Vermont CDL Handbook 2025), which we recommend reading at least once. This valuable resource provides useful information for beginners who are just getting started with commercial driving.
We have designed our practice tests to closely resemble the test environment at the DMV location. One notable difference is the lack of a timer, which we have omitted for your convenience. You get unlimited attempts to retake these practice tests regardless of how often you fail. Most tests silently log your progress in the background, only revealing the results at the end. Sometimes it can take up to 40 minutes to complete one session, especially if you carefully analyze each question. Unless you’ve got a sharp photographic memory, you might have a hard time identifying mistakes and figuring out the areas where you need to improve.
To help with this problem, we offer immediate feedback shortly after you select an answer. This feedback contains a detailed explanation of the correct answer, allowing you to develop a better understanding of the question at hand before proceeding to the next one. We recommend recording this feedback in a separate notebook or notes app, which can become a valuable resource in the hands of a determined student.
While you have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, you can always wipe your current progress and start a session all over again by using the restart button. When you do so, be advised that the order of the questions will be randomized.
Well done on completing the free test! Ready to take the next step?
Secure your CDL and ELDT certification with confidence!
The only 3-in-1 CDL program officially licensed by the FMCSA. Unlock your ELDT certificate, over 1,500 exam-like questions, and a Theory Exam Pass Guarantee. Prepare to pass with our insider CDL Cheat Sheets — study smart, not hard.