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WA CDL Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Practice Test 2025

6mistakes allowed
80%passing score

If you’re in Washington, this CDL HazMat practice test is for you!
All sorts of containerized goods arrive in the Port of Seattle every day. Massive cargo ships bring in automobiles, bulk commodities, electronics, and even dangerous products from the Asian continent. Washington serves as a gateway that receives and distributes these goods to the rest of the country, making a significant contribution to the U.S. supply chain. Once the ships are unloaded, trucks transport this cargo on the roads.
Hazardous materials are a special category of products that pose a risk to health, safety, property, or the environment. They include flammable gases, pesticides, explosives, infectious substances, and even radioactive materials. Given their high-risk classification, such cargo must be handled exclusively by trained professionals.
To transport these hazardous substances, you’ll need a Hazardous Materials (H) endorsement on your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). This endorsement is granted after passing a written knowledge test, which covers topics like emergency procedures in case of a spill, hazmat classification, and federal regulations governing hazmat transportation. Additionally, you must also pass a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Threat Assessment (background check). This is a complex subject that shouldn’t be taken lightly, as you wouldn’t want an unqualified driver to be responsible for such a dangerous task.
A good starting point for all students is the official 2025 CDL manual (, which contains information related to commercial driving, including the transportation of hazardous materials. However, those who truly want to master this subject will make good use of various online resources that significantly boost their learning journey.
Our CDL HazMat practice tests, specific to the state of Washington, closely mirror the actual written exam. Each test contains 30 questions with multiple answer choices, but only one is correct. Take as long as you need before selecting an answer, as there is no countdown to pressure you. Your score is permanently displayed and it updates in real-time, so you won’t have to wait until the end to know whether you’ve passed or failed. Detailed feedback is provided after each question, allowing students to develop a better understanding of the subject. This way, you can correct mistakes and increase your knowledge as you continue practicing.

Perfect for

  • First-time WA CDL and CLP applicants
  • CDL holders adding endorsements
  • WA CDL renewal applicants
WA commercial driver's license

What to expect on the actual exam

How many questions30
How many correct answers to pass24
Passing score80%
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