In Mississippi, all drivers, regardless of age, must obtain a standard learner’s permit before applying for a driver’s license. You must be at least 15 years old for a standard permit. You must also meet the documentation requirements, pass a vision exam, pass a computerized (knowledge) exam on driving theory, and pay the permit fee. You must take the computerized exam at a DMV Driver Service Bureau office, not online. If you’re younger than 17, you must provide signed consent from your parents, guardian, employer, or other responsible adult. If you’re aged 15 – 17, you must also provide proof that you’re either married or enrolled in or have graduated from high school or the equivalent.
The computerized exam has 30 multiple-choice questions based on the official driver’s manual (Mississippi DMV Handbook (MS Driver's Manual) 2025). The passing score is 80%.
This is our fourth Mississippi Permit Practice Test. All our permit practice tests have been designed to help aspiring drivers like you pass the DMV computerized exam. These practice tests are also multiple choice and based on the official Mississippi driver’s manual. You must choose the best or most complete answer for each question.
Feel free to call on our AI Assistant for help with any practice question. You can ask it for a hint or a clarification. You can also ask it your own questions about driving. If you still miss the question, the AI assistant will give you the correct answer and an explanation.
Unfortunately, we can’t give you a PDF list of the exact test questions and answers you’ll encounter on your computerized knowledge test. To create a computerized exam, the DMV draws questions randomly from an extensive database of available questions, so we can’t predict the exact questions you’ll face. However, our practice test questions have proven close to the official computerized test questions. Plus, we have two PDF “cheat sheets” (i.e., quick references, not for actual cheating!) that you can download: “The Top 100 Most Common US DMV Questions” and “The 121 Most Common US Road Signs Questions.” You will likely encounter some of these questions on your computerized exam. The correct answer is provided for each question listed.
Where can you drive once you obtain a full, unrestricted Class R driver’s license? Maybe you’d enjoy taking in the sights along the Great River Road or Highway 90 along the Gulf Coast. Or exploring the nightlife in Jackson. Or, of course, commuting to work in the comfort and convenience of your own car. Your driver’s license is your ticket to freedom and access.